Contact Us

ClimeMET - a fusion of "climate" and "meteorology" (and pronounced "Climb Met" to avoid confusion!)

Looking for technical support? Why not try our Frequently Asked Questions first?

Need to contact ClimeMET? Use the contact form below, or email us at Alternatively, call to speak to our team on 01787 883138. Our office hours are 9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri.

Write to us at: ClimeMET Ltd, 9 Church Field Road, Chilton Industrial Estate, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2YA.

Visits to our offices by prior appointment only.

Please include your product name and code when contacting us for technical support as it will allow us to answer your query much more quickly.

Please note, we aim to respond to emails within 2 working days. If you haven't had a reply, please do telephone us to ensure we have received your message as emails do occasionally get caught in our spam filter.