We offer a selection of weather stations designed for home users. Our weather stations are packed with features and recording metrics, from temperature and humidity tracking to weather station add-ons. Are you worried about the air outside your window and whether it's the prime humidity for those favourite plants of yours? Our home weather stations are a perfect add-on to your home environment.

For those who wish to keep an eye on their home environment, our Home Weather Stations are just what you need. In practice, these aren't just temperature, humidity, and air pressure sensors; they are packed with features to make your life easier or at least more predictable.

Looking to predict the weather over the next day or two? Some of these devices work by measuring barometric pressure. They’ll also record temperatures and the highs and lows for the day.

While weather forecasters cover the basics, full weather stations go a step further with multiple sensors to monitor the weather more accurately. These extra sensors help enthusiasts make more precise predictions, our CM2016 offers the most functionality in a very small form factor.