Tips To Establish The Perfect Growing Conditions

March 31, 2021

Tips To Establish The Perfect Growing Conditions

2 minute read

April is the ideal month to plan which vegetables and herbs you’re going to grow. To give your seeds the best chance of germinating and eventually producing an abundant harvest, it’s important to get the growing conditions right from the very start. There is also still the chance of frost at night which will need to be monitored. Most vegetables and herbs will need to be sown indoors or undercover, and kept there until all risk of frost has passed.

Three factors that can be monitored to ensure optimal germination and growing conditions are soil temperature, air temperature and humidity.

Soil Temperature

The ideal soil temperature will vary depending on what you’re growing, so it’s a good idea to check beforehand. In general, most seeds won’t germinate if the soil temperature is below 7°C. To determine the soil temperature and ensure readings are accurate, use a good quality soil thermometer. We suggest a measuring depth of around 2 inches and to record the temperature twice a day.

Air Temperature

It’s important to remember that the air temperature will likely be different to the soil temperature, whether it’s indoors or in a greenhouse. A temperature of 18-21°C will be ideal for growing most vegetables and herbs. Monitor the temperature of all growing locations. Use a weather station with multiple sensors to keep track of each area and note the minimum and maximum readings. Once the night temperature is regularly reaching 7°C, seedlings can start to go outside.


Monitor the humidity levels of your growing spaces throughout the season, whether it’s indoors or outdoors. Seeds will need moisture to germinate, so using a propagator will ensure that humidity levels are high enough. However, if seedlings are kept in too humid conditions, it can cause rot or mold problems, which is why it’s important to actively monitor levels. Use a humidity sensor for smaller areas such as propagators, or a hygrometer dial for a greenhouse or outside.

We love to see how your seedlings are coming along so do share a picture with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

 As well as ensuring your seeds and plants are kept in the correct growing conditions, timing is also important. Sowing seeds is a rewarding way to kickstart your green fingered gardening year, it's also the most economical way to enjoy a surplus of veg throughout the year. 

Many different seeds need sowing at different times, some may even be sown at multiple times throughout the year.

Here's an example month-by-month guide to seed sowing:

January - Sow microgreens, chillies and peppers, as well as tomatoes under cover.

February - Spinach, broad beans, tomatoes, chillies, cucumbers and aubergine under cover.

March - Aubergines, chillies and tomatoes, broad beans, peas, beetroot, Swiss chard, radish, kale, spinach, spring onions, first early potatoes.

April - Aubergines, chillies and tomatoes, plus courgettes, squashes, pumpkins, marrows and leeks under cover. Beetroot, carrot, celeriac, peas, radish, lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, broad beans, spring onions, second early and maincrop seed potatoes.

May - Beetroot, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach, lettuce, peas, radish, carrots, spring onions outside; sweetcorn, cucumber, runner beans and courgettes (under cover at the beginning of the month, outside toward the end of the month) courgettes, squashes and pumpkins, under cover.

June - Lettuce and radish every week or so, beetroot, peas, runner beans, French and soybeans, spring onions, courgettes, lettuce, carrots, purple sprouting broccoli.

July - Runner beans, Swiss chard (for crops the following spring), kale, winter cabbage, spinach, spring onions, potatoes for Christmas, radishes, beetroot, lettuce, radish.

August - Lettuce, rocket, spring onion, radish, plus winter salads, including  lamb's lettuce and mustard leaf.

September - Spinach, winter salads, radish.

October - Winter salads, peas, garlic.

November - Garlic, onions, shallots, broad beans.

December - Garlic, microgreens

For more information and advice about growing, visit gardeners world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the best soil temperature for germinating seeds? The ideal soil temperature for seed germination varies depending on the type of vegetable or herb you are growing. Generally, most seeds require a soil temperature of at least 7°C to germinate effectively. Check specific requirements for each type of seed for the best results.

2. How can I accurately measure soil temperature? To accurately measure soil temperature, use a high-quality soil thermometer. Insert it about 2 inches deep into the soil and record the temperature twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening.

3. What should the air temperature be inside a greenhouse? For optimal growth of most vegetables and herbs, maintain an air temperature between 18-21°C inside a greenhouse or indoors. Regular monitoring with a weather station equipped with multiple sensors can help ensure these conditions.

4. How do I know when to move my seedlings outdoors? Seedlings can be moved outdoors once the nighttime air temperature consistently stays above 7°C. It’s important to acclimate seedlings to outside conditions gradually to prevent shock.

5. How can I maintain the right humidity for my seedlings? Maintain high humidity for seed germination by using a propagator. For ongoing care, monitor the humidity with a sensor in small areas or a hygrometer in larger spaces like greenhouses. Adjust ventilation as needed to prevent issues like rot or mold.

6. What should I do if my seedlings start showing signs of mold or rot? If seedlings show signs of mold or rot, reduce humidity by improving air circulation and possibly lowering the ambient moisture levels. Check your watering schedule and make sure the soil is not waterlogged.

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